It's Not Just the Methods: 8 Tools to Help You Sleep

In this space, we've talked in depth about the various ways, tips, and methods to help you sleep better. Don't bring your electronics to bed, and make sure to follow a nighttime routine. A regular bedtime is just as important as some time to wind down before hitting the snooze button.
But that's not the only thing you can do. If you find yourself unable to sleep despite these undoubtedly valuable tips, you still have some options. Don't despair because you cannot sleep. Instead, use these eight tools to help you sleep better, and more thoroughly, next time.
1. A Programmable Thermostat
When it comes to falling asleep, comfort is the absolute key. Your body temperature tends to go down when you get ready for bed. So why not help that process by adjusting the external temperature to fit your internal needs?
The easiest way to do that is with a programmable thermostat. Doctors recommend keeping the temperature in the house between 60 and 67 degrees, regardless of the season. However, it's easy to stay on the warmer end because you feel more comfortable snuggling up in a blanket. With a programmable thermostat, you can gradually lower the temperature to maximize comfort while still falling asleep just as your body intended.
2. Blackout Shades
You probably already know that the darker it is, the easier your body will fall asleep. There is a simple reason for that: we are all creatures of habit, and our bodies respond to the environment around us. That means light automatically communicates that it's daytime and time for activities. Only removing that light can get your body in the right mindset to calm down enough for sleep.
The easiest way to accomplish that goal, of course, is through blackout shades. Whether you add them to your existing window dressings or use them to replace your window coverings, they will become essential in your sleep routine. As a bonus, they help you not only fall asleep more efficiently during long summer nights but also sleep longer despite early sunrises in the warm season.
3. Humidity Control
Just as our bodies prefer relatively cool and a dark environment, humidity is crucial for better sleep. It improves airflow and helps us breathe more effortlessly. That, in turn, minimizes the struggle that comes with having to breathe through a stuffy nose.
Of course, too much humidity has the opposite effect as intended. The best way to reach a middle point is control: through a humidifier, you can add some moisture to the air and improve your breathing. Also, some products add essential oil diffusion as an option, further working to accomplish the same goal.
4. Ear Plugs
It's time to sleep, and the house is getting quiet. All of a sudden, even small noises can keep you awake. A creaking floorboard or the wind pushing against your bathroom fan might be enough to keep you awake. And of course, bird songs at 5:00 am make sure that you get up nice and early, too.
That doesn't have to be the case. Earplugs might be the most straightforward tool on this list. Find a pair that feels comfortable in your ear, insert, and enjoy. Eliminating noises from your partner's snoring to the nearest road can prove vital in your quest to escape to dreamland.
5. Sleep Light Bulbs
Darkness, as mentioned above, can be critical to a successful night's sleep. But what if you need some light, either to find your way to a crying baby at night or to complete some reading before it's time to close your eyes? In that case, the right kind of light makes all the difference.
Look for light bulbs that eliminate blue light, which activates your brain and makes it more difficult to fall asleep. These light bulbs tend to be more expensive, but are well worth the investment. They make sure that your brain doesn't interrupt your efforts to fall asleep, even when exposed to some critical light.
6. A Smart Device
You've heard, again and again, that you shouldn't bring your smartphone or tablet to bed. It might just be the antithesis to this post. And yet, under some conditions, it can help you sleep. That might sound like a paradox but will make more sense once you understand its purpose.
You can, for example, find smartphone apps that teach you the breathing exercises you need before going to bed. These exercises tend to help you calm down more naturally. Another option is a device that monitors your breathing and suggests adjustments to improve your natural movements. Just be sure that when you use your smartphone, you turn on night mode to reduce the above-mentioned blue light exposure. And if you have the option, use a Do Not Disturb mode so your notifications can wait until you’re up and at ‘em in the morning.
7. White Noise
If you cannot quite accept the relative discomfort of earplugs, this is a more natural alternative. White noise, or similar options such as ocean waves and a babbling brook, can drown out the small sounds that keep you awake.
Crucially, a white noise generator also drowns out total silence, which some of us find uncomfortable and stress-inducing. These devices are inexpensive and plug into a regular outlet. Their benefits for your sleeping habits, however, are immense.
8. The Right Bedding
Finally, don't underestimate the power of finding the right bed and bedding for your sleeping needs. When it comes to falling asleep, comfort is absolute key; without it, you keep turning without seeing any results, only getting more frustrated in the process.
The right bedding ensures that it won't be the case. It adjusts to your body, helping you more naturally fall asleep. Be sure to find pillows specifically designed for your sleeping habits. Bedding should be layered so that you can adjust to make sure your comfort level matches the room temperature.
In short, sleeping is not just about finding the right methods and following tips. The tools to help you sleep can also be necessary. To learn more about our bedding products, and how we can help you in that quest, contact us.