What To Do If I Find Mold In Or Under My Mattress

Finding mold in or under your mattress can not only be disconcerting, it can be potentially very hazardous to your heath.
Sleeping in a mattress with mold can lead to a host of health issues, and it can happen in any type of mattress, whether it is an organic natural mattress or a memory foam mattress.
Why is there mold under or in your bed? Mold needs darkness, warmth and moisture, which really describes most sleeping environments. We all sweat in our sleep, some more than most, and that moisture can accumulate in or under a mattress and provide a breeding ground for mold.
Mold is a spore-forming organism, and those spores become airborne, potentially ending up in your lungs. This can cause anything from breathing issues to serious health challenges. And a mattress with some type of foam, as most mattresses have some type of foam, whether it is latex foam or memory foam, is the perfect host to grow mold. The mold can colonize in the millions upon millions of open cells or air pockets in the foam, making it impossible to eradicate.
That said, when you find mold in or under your mattress, the likelihood that it has spread into the foam and unseen is great. And there really is no way to safely and thoroughly eradicate it.
The mistake most people make is cleaning off the mold on the surface and continuing to use the mattress. That mistake can lead to further mold growth and increased exposure to mold toxicity.
One of the most important things you should do when you find mold in or under your mattress, after getting rid of it, is to discover why you got mold in or under your mattress.
The most common source is moisture from your body, sweat. Using a breathable but waterproof cover is a great first step. It will prevent your sweat from traveling through and into the foam and providing the breeding environment for the mold. All latex mattresses and organic mattresses, despite what you may read in their marketing, are susceptible to mold. It is not just a memory foam issue.
Another issue can be the platform you are using for your mattress. A solid board or solid box spring will prevent moisture from dissipating and evaporating.
I have seen a mattress that was near a leaky and drafty window that molded from the moisture coming in from the window.
The bottom line: Don't continue to sleep on a moldy mattress! It is a health risk and should be disposed of as a hazardous waste immediately
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