How to Get Use To Sleeping With Your Partner

There comes a time in every romantic relationship where it will make sense to move in together. While this brings many benefits, there are also a handful of complications that can arise.
One of the more interesting ones is adjusting to sleeping in the same bed as your partner, as you may not be used to consistently having anyone next to you at night. But, there are steps you can take in order to help you adjust.
Not sure where to start? Don't worry, we’ve got you covered.
Let's take a look at everything you need to know about how to keep calm and sleep.
Blankets For Body Temperature Issues
One of the most common issues that couples face while sharing a bed is differences in body temperature. Some people are naturally inclined to be colder, while other people may feel like a space heater when you lay next to them.
To make things even more complicated, a person with a naturally warm body temperature will often feel great discomfort when accidentally touching the skin of someone colder in the middle of the night.
To help combat this, consider the type of blanket that you're using.
A heavy down blanket will trap heat underneath it, which may make it difficult for you or your partner to sleep. A blanket that's too thin will keep someone who is prone to being cold equally uncomfortable.
Do your best to create a situation where you can both sleep without issues. Oftentimes, the simplest solution is to use separate blankets, so consider that as one of your primary options.
Align Your Schedules
Not everyone works a typical 9 to 5. It's also not uncommon for one partner to work a job with regular hours while the other is in school with a separate schedule. This can lead to someone being woken up late at night or early in the morning.
Make an effort to align your sleeping schedules as best as you can. If one of you isn't ready to go to sleep, you can still schedule a time to go to bed. This will allow you to read, work on your computer, watch TV., etc. while your partner sleeps.
It will also give you an opportunity to have plenty of quality time, which can sometimes be the perfect solution to a relationship that's recently had issues.
Snoring is an unfortunate part of life for some of us, and it's no secret that sleeping next to someone who snores is miserable. Earplugs, though, can prove to be a simple yet effective way to sleep through the night.
Noise disturbance isn't limited to snoring. Some people chatter their teeth, talk in their sleep, or otherwise toss and turn throughout the night. Small earplugs (similar to ones you'd use on a bus, train, or airplane) will help you through it.
If that's still not enough, you can use a white noise machine (or a white noise playlist on a streaming service) to help drown out unwanted sound.
Consider a New Mattress
Old mattresses are particularly noisy when moving. With some, even the slightest movement can result in plenty of harsh squeaking.
These types of mattresses also transfer motion throughout them when you move, which can physically wake someone who's sleeping next to you.
You may simply need a larger mattress to accommodate the two of you. This is especially true if you didn't buy furniture together before moving into the same home.
While sleeping close to one other provides an intimate experience that's hard to find elsewhere, it's not always conducive to getting the rest you need.
As you may expect, new mattresses can be particularly expensive. The money you spend is often worth the increase in quality sleep that you'll get after you purchase one.
Separate Cuddling From Sleeping
When it's time to go to bed, it can be very easy to transition from cuddling to sleep. Unfortunately, this often results in both people eventually waking up when someone has to move into a more comfortable position.
If you don't wake up until a couple of hours after you fall asleep, you can easily disrupt your sleep cycle and negatively affect how you feel the next day.
To help combat this, set time before you need to go to sleep for cuddling and intimacy. Depending on you and your partner's schedule, this time could be as short as 15 or 20 minutes.
Afterward, you'll both be able to fall asleep in positions that are comfortable and increase the quality of your sleep.
Be Realistic
If you still haven't been able to come up with a solution, consider getting separate beds and placing them close together.
At first, this may seem like it will cause a rift in your relationship. But, it could actually bring you closer together since better quality sleep will lead to both of you being in a better mood.
If you're afraid to mention this to your partner, don't be— they'll be understanding once you mention the benefits that it could have (and that it has nothing to do with how you feel about them).
Knowing How to Keep Calm and Sleep Can Seem Difficult
But it doesn't have to be.
With the above information about how to keep calm and sleep in mind, you'll be well on your way to getting a great night's rest every evening.
Once you've figured out how to share a bed together, all that's left is to decide on the bedding! Check out some of our great options right here.