Mattress Replacement 101: How Often Should You Replace a Mattress?

Everyone needs a good night's sleep, but a bad or old mattress can leave you restless at night. However, you may have a hard time justifying the cost of a new mattress.
How can you be sure that it's time to get rid of your old bed mattress and get something new?
If you're looking for a sign that you need a mattress replacement, look no further. Here is what you need to know about both when to change a mattress and techniques for caring for your mattress.
How Long Should My Mattress Last?
The average mattress can last anywhere between 6-8 years, sometimes longer under good conditions. However, there are certain aspects that can affect the lifespan of your mattress. These include:
- The material of the mattress
- How well you maintain and care for the mattress
- The size and weight of the sleeper(s)
- If you have children or pets
Any of the above can affect how long your mattress will last. Of course, the overall age of your mattress will also affect its continued durability. Pay close attention to how your mattress is being used and cared for to get a better idea of its lifespan.
Signs to Purchase a New Mattress
Are you considering shopping for a new mattress but aren't sure if the time is right? Here are just a few signs that you need a new mattress.
Obvious Wear and Tear
Naturally, your mattress will start to show signs of wear and tear over time. This can include sagging, lumps, and coils that are felt or seen through the mattress. Stains and torn fabric are also clear indicators that your mattress has seen better days.
If your mattress is showing severe signs of damage, it's time to go mattress shopping again.
Noisy Springs
Noisy springs in your mattress are more than just annoying. Springs that squeek and groan when you lay on them are a good sign that your mattress is reaching its expiration date. This is because springs that squeek signify weakened coils that can no longer support your weight properly; a mattress like this can do real harm to your back and prevent you from getting good sleep.
Worsening Allergies
If you have allergies or asthma, an old mattress can cause your symptoms to skyrocket. Your mattress can easily gather dust and other allergens over time; once the buildup gets bad, you'll know.
Have you noticed yourself sneezing and coughing as you try to sleep? If so, ditch your old mattress and find something new.
Waking Up Stiff or Struggling to Sleep
An old mattress struggles to support your weight, leaving you stiff and sore in the morning. You may even find yourself unable to fall asleep, tossing and turning on your old mattress as you try to get comfortable.
If you consistently struggle to sleep, then may want to consider getting a new mattress.
Overall Age of the Mattress
Naturally, you should consider the age of your mattress if you are able to. Consider how long you've been using it; if you have had your mattress for 8 or more years, then you may want to consider shopping around.
If your mattress is old but still seems to be working fine for you, then you can hold off on purchasing a new mattress until you notice other signs. Just remember that after 8 years your mattress may start to show signs of damage.
Additional Weight at Night
Certain mattresses can only hold specific amounts of weight at night. If you have recently gotten into a relationship and are sharing your bed with someone else or have gained a significant amount of weight, then your mattress may struggle to support you.
Think about getting a new mattress that can handle more weight if you've found yourself uncomfortable at night.
What Can I Do Instead of Purchasing a New Mattress?
Buying a new mattress can be expensive, so you may want to try other solutions before making any rash purchases. If you are searching for a way to maintain your mattress, there are a few tricks you can use.
Regularly rotate your mattress so that you aren't constantly putting pressure on one end of it. By sharing more weight on both sides of your mattress, you can lengthen the lifespan of it. Rotating your mattress every 3 to 6 months can help relieve stress off of your mattress.
You can also try getting a mattress protector or mattress pad if you are uncomfortable at night. These add extra cushion between you and the mattress, helping improve your comfort while protecting the mattress from stains and damage over time.
If you are experiencing allergy or asthma attacks, your mattress is only one potential problem. You can also replace your pillows or get new bedding; both your pillows and bedding can hold onto dirt, dander, and dust just like your mattress. Hopefully getting new pillows and bedding will reduce your symptoms.
Finally, make sure you are cleaning your mattress and bedding properly! Follow any and all instructions provided to you by your mattress company. There should be appropriate labels on the mattress itself, so follow them and clean your mattress regularly!
Get the Mattress Replacement You Need
Now that you know the signs that you need a mattress replacement, you can start resting easier. Keep these signs in mind the next time you start sleeping poorly; you deserve a good night's rest, so consider getting a new mattress if any of the signs occur!
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We're here to help. Contact us with any questions or concerns you have about the mattress brands we support and continue reading our blog for more information.