What Are the Advantages of Sleeping on Your Back?

Healthy adults need about seven to nine hours of sleep each night. Without enough sleep, you could gain weight, notice breakouts, and struggle to focus throughout the day.
However, how you sleep could have just as much of an impact on your health. For example, learning how to sleep better by sleeping on your back could help you avoid a list of health woes.
What are the benefits of falling asleep on your back? Keep reading to find out!
Discover a healthier lifestyle with this guide today.
Ease Neck and Back Pain
Back and side sleeping could help minimize the spinal pain you experience throughout the day.
Sleeping on your back can help reduce the pressure on your spine. In fact, good sleep positions on your back can mimic standing up straight. Putting less pressure on your spine as you sleep can help you avoid aches and tension.
Sleeping on your stomach, however, will cause you to position your head to one side. This sleep position is equivalent to keeping your head turned in the same direction for hours at a time. You could experience soreness as a result.
Meanwhile, sleeping with your head to one side can also compress your spine since your neck is tilted back.
If you experience neck and back pain throughout the day, consider learning how to sleep better by sleeping on your back. Remaining on your back will give your spine the chance to rest. You can use pillows for additional comfort to maintain the natural curve of your spine, too.
Remaining on your back while keeping both hands on your chest or at your sides can help you avoid pain during the day.
Reduce Breakouts
To maintain clean, clear skin, it's important to wash and avoid touching your face. However, pillowcases absorb sebum, a natural oil that can contribute to breakouts. Sebum and bacteria are often transferred to the face while you're sleeping, causing:
- Redness
- Whiteheads and blackheads
- Irritation
In some cases, a silk or satin pillowcase can help minimize breakouts. However, choosing to sleep on your back could help reduce breakouts, too. You can avoid transferring oil, dirt, and other irritants to your skin as you sleep.
Breathe Easy
Falling asleep fast on your belly or side can cause crowding around the diaphragm. The diaphragm is the muscle that allows you to breathe. When this space is compressed, it can cause you to breathe shallower.
Deep, diaphragmatic breathing while you're awake can help improve your mood and attention span. It can also ease your stress levels, which could benefit other areas of your health and wellbeing. Otherwise, cortisol levels could rise, leading to weight gain, skin problems, and trouble sleeping.
Deep breathing can increase melatonin production. Melatonin is a natural hormone that promotes relaxation, which can help you sleep. Melatonin also increased parasympathetic nervous system activity.
The parasympathetic nervous system acts on your:
- Lacrimal glands (to produce tears)
- Salivary glands (to produce saliva)
- Eyes
- Parotid glass (to produce saliva)
- Nerves that go to the bladder
- Nerves in the stomach
It ensures basic functions of the body continue working as they should.
In other words, choosing good sleep positions can help you breathe, improving your overall health. If you're still struggling to breathe with ease each night, try our easy breather pillow.
Reduce Swelling
Lying on any part of your face can cause fluid to pool in that specific area. As a result, the fluid buildup could lead to swelling on your face. You might notice your eyes look puffy and red, too.
If you want to discourage fluid from pooling around your face, try lying on your back to reduce puffiness instead.
Back sleepers often elevate their heads to control where the fluid goes. You can wake up looking well-rested and refreshed without bags under your eyes.
Avoid Wrinkles and Lines
Sleeping on your side can cause you to pull, pinch, and irritate your skin against a pillowcase. Try to avoid sleeping with your face directly on the pillow. Otherwise, the friction can cause fine lines and wrinkles to form.
Even your neck can become tweaked and scrunched if you're prone to sleeping on your stomach.
Learning to sleep better on your back can keep your face off your pillowcase. It can also keep your skin care products on your face instead of smearing them onto your pillowcase.
Ease Sinus Buildup
As you explore good sleep positions, consider sleeping with your head elevated about your heart as well. This sleep position could ease congestion by preventing your nasal passages from getting clogged up. When your head is down, on the other hand, mucus could begin pooling in your sinuses.
Instead, try propping your head up before you fall asleep. Gravity will help drain mucus from your sinuses, ensuring your airways remain clear.
Sleeping in this position could also help if you have gastroesophageal reflux diseases (GERD) or acid reflux.
Prevent Headaches
Do you ever wake up with a slight tension headache? Sleeping on your back can keep pressure off your head.
Headaches rooted in the cervical spine (cervicogenic headaches) start developing in the neck. Some people mistake them for migraines. You might experience symptoms like:
- Light and noise sensitivity
- Pinched nerves
- Upset stomach
- Stiff neck
- Pain around the eyes
- Painful throbbing on one side of the head
- Pain when coughing or sneezing
- Blurry vision
When sleeping, try keeping your neck, head, and spine in a neutral position. You can avoid pain by alleviating pressure before it can build.
Start Sleeping on Your Back to Enjoy These Health Benefits Today
Sleeping on your stomach or side could cause sinus buildup, wrinkles, and other health issues. Instead, consider sleeping on your back more often. You can wake up feeling well-rested and ready to take on the day.
Become a back sleeper and begin experiencing these health benefits for yourself!
Want to sleep comfortably tonight? Explore our bedding collection today to get started.